Most folk don’t know how to learn.
They manage some of it somehow, sometimes; but don’t know how to actually do it easily, successfully, totally, and every time. The fact that the majority of our universities have to run remedial classes on basic subjects for high school graduates entering college attests to this.
This is a vitally important, much needed subject, as demonstrated by The National Assessment of Adult Literacy conducted by the U.S. Department of Education.
The statistics on this are actually shocking.
An article in The New York Times dated December 16, 2005, reported as follows:
“The average American college graduate’s literacy in English declined significantly over the past decade, according to results of a nationwide test released yesterday.
“The National Assessment of Adult Literacy, given in 2003 by the Department of Education is the nation’s most important test of how well Americans can read.
“When the test was last administered, in 1992, 40 percent of the nation’s college graduates scored at the proficient level, meaning that they were able to read lengthy, complex English texts and draw complicated inferences. But on the 2003 test, only 31 percent of the graduates demonstrated those high-level skills. There were 26.4 million college graduates.
“Of the college graduates tested in 2003, 69 percent failed to demonstrate proficiency, with 53 percent of the total tested scoring at the intermediate level and 14 percent scoring at the basic level, meaning they could only read and understand short, commonplace prose texts.
“Three percent of college graduates who took the test in 2003, representing some 800,000 Americans, demonstrated “below basic” literacy, meaning they could not perform more than the simplest skills, like locating easily identifiable information in short prose.”
These are rather shocking facts when you consider that this is the literacy level of college graduates. Of those not getting to college, the statistics are horrific. One hears of ninety-percent illiteracy rates in some inner-city areas.
Let’s be honest. Have you comprehended everything you’ve attempted to understand? The answer, of course is no — yet it should be yes!
It is however, possible to absolutely, fully, and easily learn everything you need to know on any subject you want to master.
Precise technology is now available on the subject of learning; there is something here that can be known and applied to ensure successful learning — and age is no barrier.
The first thing to know in this regard is that learning is a natural faculty we all have — very young children demonstrate this.
The real question is: what gets in its way?
Ability Consultants, Inc., has delineated “what gets in the way” — we call them the “Barriers to Comprehensions; and knowing what they are, we have developed exact processes any individual can apply to overcome them so he or she can totally learn anything he or she wants to.
This is very precise science. A technology clients instantly see as being workable and correct, and simple. There are half a dozen key points, and a couple of procedures, to learn and apply; and you are then in a position to absolutely learn anything you want to learn at any time under any circumstances. It’s precise. No tricks of “how to remember,” or other “techniques” of how to “program the mind” to overcome the fuzz; but instead the precise truth of what and why your learning has been impaired, and what you can practice in order to be free from these impediments and learn easily.